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Rod Herbert Trombone Trumpet Student Duet "Granite" by Keith Ramon Cole

Rod Herbert, Sydney brass music teacher,  playing a trumpet / trombone duet with his Son, Shaan age 10 during his trumpet tuition. 

"Granite" by Keith Ramon Cole from the book "Learn As You Play Trumpet". Recorded in 2016.

Trombone Performance Advanced HSC Music Performance - Cadenza Xii by Eric Gross.


Senior High Year 12 HSC Music Performance by Lauren.

Cadenza Xii by Australian composer, Eric Gross.

Lauren is a highly advance trombonist, who has studied trombone with Rod Herbert since she started trombone at age 8 when she was in year 3 primary school.

In year 11, Lauren had achieved an A+ result for AMEB 7th Grade Trombone.

Her HSC music result was a band 6 with a mark of 94/100. 

A hard worker who developed her performance skills over many years.

Rod Herbert Teacher
Intermediate trombone student Teagan starting lesson with mouthpiece warm up routine. This used for all brass instruments to develop muscle endurance, breath control and a BIG SOUND 

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銅管樂器教師 - 羅德赫伯特

音樂教程 長號、小號、大號、法國號、低音號、中音、AMEB 考試、HSC 音樂、





銅管課、AMEB 音樂考試、HSC 音樂表演準備、大學年齡學生、成人年齡學生、特殊需要學生、

爵士即興、理論和 HSC 作曲。

Rod 是備受追捧的銅管音樂教師、樂隊指揮、表演者和高中課堂音樂教師,在領先的悉尼高中和小學音樂樂隊課程中擔任教師。


自 1988 年以來,Rod 一直以專業音樂家和教師的身份表演多種風格的音樂,包括爵士、交響樂團、搖滾、拉丁、電視和音樂劇。


Rod 在悉尼音樂學院學習音樂,獲得音樂教育學士學位和爵士研究副文憑。

如果您家中的音樂家需要以信息量大、激勵人心和令人愉快的方式進行音樂指導,那麼音樂老師 Rod Herbert 和 Big Sound Music 適合您!!!!!!

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