FOR SENIOR AND JUNIOR ELECTIVE MUSIC STUDENTS Links to video. Curriculum Topics Ideas.
PDF Score Link to IMSLP score archive
These are video links that I use continuously in my classroom teaching for all year groups.
EdpuzzleLink: Aaron Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man for Brass & Percussion (1942) [Score-Video]
EdpuzzleLink: Aaron Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man for Brass & Percussion (1942) [Score-Video]
Curriculum Topics: Year 7, 11 - Instrument Families, Tone Colour, Categories.
Year 10 Classical. Year 12 -20th Century Music. Aural analysis
EdpuzzleLink: J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565
EdpuzzleLink: J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565
Curriculum Topics: Year 12 - Methods of Notation, Baroque. Year 10 Classical Music. Year 7 - Instruments / Tone Colours.
PDF Score Link IMSLP,_BWV_565_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)
EdpuzzleLink: Wynton Marsalis - Carnival of Venice
EdpuzzleLink: Wynton Marsalis - Carnival of Venice
Curriculum Topics: Classical Music Theme and Variations, Year 12 Instrument and Repertoire.
PDF Score Link

EdpuzzleLink: Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Chord Progressions
EdpuzzleLink: Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Chord Progressions.
Good for all instruments.
Curriculum Topic. Year 9/10 Chord Scale Harmony Theory.